Innercoat® Flange Fill™

Product Description

Innercoat being used in a vertical flange fill.

  1. Heat Innercoat® in pail to 200°F using thermometer to monitor temperature. Once temperature is achieved, reduce heat and maintain temperature.
  2. Wrap flange gap with duct tape (two wraps). Make a hole in the top for inserting the funnel.
  3. Pour Innercoat through the funnel slowly and continuously until the Innercoat has fully filled the flange gap. The level of Innercoat will decrease as it fills the voids in the flange. Continue to top-off flange gap until the level of Innercoat no longer decreases.
  4. After the flange gap has been completely filled, allow 20 to 30 minutes cooling time and remove the duct tape.
  5. If an overwrap is desired after removal of the duct tape, use Trenton #1 Wax-Tape® (for below ground) or #2 Wax-Tape® (for above and below ground) to protect the outside flange bolts and to interface with the Innercoat wax at the flange gap seam.


  • 47 Ib. box
  • 7 1/2 Ib. blocks (10 per case)
  • 7 1/2 Ib. blocks (quartered) (10 per case)
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