Yale Figure 500 Closure

Product Description

Yale Figure 500 Small ThreadedYaleTM Figure 500 Small Threaded

Our Figure 500 closure design combines simplicity and reliability through the use of a rugged, modified ACME thread to fasten the cap to the hub. The pressure seal is achieved by an O-ring set in the face of the hub. Figure 500 closures are manufactured in sizes 2'- 14." 

Yale Figure 500 Small ThreadedYaleTM Figure 500R Small Threaded

Our Figure 500R closure was designed for larger diameter closure applications and is machined with a bevel seat. The bevel seat on the hub provides the operator an accurate stabbing section and reduces the risk for the thread and seal damage. All of our Figure 500R closures also have a minimum of 3" thread lengths for greater safety and mechanical sealing integrity. Our Figure 500R design is available in sizes 16"-54," with closure horizontal hinges swing left or right for sizes 16" and above.

Yale Figure 515 FlangedYaleTM Figure 515 Flanged

Our Figure 515 flanged closure offers a bolted flange-to-flange configuration. A rugged ACME thread fastens the cap to the hub, making our Figure 515 safest in the industry. The pressure seal is achieved by an O-ring set in the face of the hub. Figure 515 closures are available in diameters from 2"-42" and ANSI class 150 through 1500. 

Yale SafeGuard LuglessYaleTM SafeGuard Lugless

Our Yale™ Figure 500 SafeGuard Lugless closures provide productivity, durability and safety for the most critical installations. The lugless feature of the SafeGuard closure prevents in-field safety risks associated with hammering on the closure cap lugs as well as the potential for damage to the closure that could hinder its sealing capability and shorten the service life of the closure. Our Yale™ SafeGuard closure can be easily operated with a standard 24" or 36" pipe wrench.

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